Fat Transfer
What Is A Fat Transfer?
Fat transfer is ingenious technology where fat in abundance in your body is removed and instead of throwing the removed fat to waste, it is injected where an enhancement of the body contour is desirable.
Skilled board-certified surgeon, Dr. Simon Bachir, MD, uses your natural fat tissues to increase volume in a variety of places in the face, buttocks, and breasts. The laser liposuction removes your fat to provide the desired youthful fullness. He then uses the fat stem cell harvesting technic of Dr. Kotaro Yoshimura, the world’s foremost expert on natural fat transfer, to augment the desirable areas in your body.
The buttock’s shape & proportion are important parts of an attractive body. With the Brazilian butt procedure, Dr. Bachir can remove the excessive fat from parts of the body. Excess fat is removed from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs with liposuction, and transfered to the buttock to obtain the desirable fuller, rounder buttock contour. The procedure can be successfully used to reshape other parts of the body such as the hips, lower back, and thighs to improve the lower body curves, and to decrease fat lumps in the hips, thighs & belly.
Be more attractive, more youthful, and aesthetically more balanced between the upper and lower body.